Thursday, October 18, 2012

Creation Study

We have now been using the Blessed is the Man curriculum since July.  We are doing our studies chronologically; therefore, we began with the Creation of the world and Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden.  We have had a great time studying dinosaurs and fossils.  We watched DVDs by Answers in Genesis, and I had the desire to be able to visit the Creation Museum.  For me this was just a wish and a future vacation idea.  Little did I know that God would direct us during this time to Shriner's hospital for my son's medical care.  (I will discuss this in a separate blog post at a later date.)  I discovered that the Creation Museum was just 15 minutes away from Cincinnati.  I was so excited.  We left two days earlier so we would have the opportunity to visit the Creation Museum.  It was better than Disney World in my opinion.  I always think it has much more meaning to visit and explore museums when the content is fresh on the child's mind.  Being that we were just finishing up our study, it made for such a wonderful, educational experience.  I highly recommend studying a topic BEFORE visiting the museum, historical site, etc.  Knowing the history or content of the topic prior to the field trip makes it so much more exciting.

Here's a little glimpse into our visit to the Creation Museum.