BITM and FAR curriculum links Year 1

The listing of links below were created to be used with Far Above Rubies and Blessed Is The Man by Lynda Coats.  I hope these quick references help in your search for additional resources.

Scopes Trial of 1925:

Answers in Genesis
Scopes Trial Museum   I couldn't get their video to work so here it is on Youtube
The Social Studies Help Center
God versus Darwin: The Scopes Trial (youtube)
The Scopes Monkey Trial documentary (youtube) 1 hr. 16 min.
Inherit the Wind, the real story (youtube)  This is a "review" comparing/contrasting to the real trial.
The Scopes Trial with Dr. Menton (Origins show) part 1
The Scopes Trial with Dr. Menton (Origins show) part 2

Dinosaurs:  Warning:  Not all sites are from a biblical view and many include evolution.
All about Dinosaurs with worksheets
Make your own fossil dig with plastic of paris
How to make your own plastic of paris
Dinosaur Dig instructions pdf file
Dinosaurs and the Bible (youtube)
Dinosaurs: Genesis and the Gospel (many videos)

Adam and His Kin book by Ruth Beechick:
Tablet Theory info

Noah's Ark and the Flood:
Ark Encounter
Article about building a Noah's Ark in the Netherlands with additional links
History Channel's Ancient Discoveries: Lost Science of the Bible (to discuss re-inventions, construction of Ark)
The Great Flood of Noah youtube video

Layers of the Earth (hands-on worksheet, foldable project)
The Grand Canyon: Evidence of the Flood youtube video
Evidence of a Global Flood video Part 1
Evidence of a Global Flood video Part 2
Origins: The Worldwide Flood- Geologic Evidences Part 1 with Andrew Snelling
Origins: The Worldwide Flood- Geological Evidences with Andrew Snelling Part 2
Slave4Christ youtube channel (geology videos on evidence from the Bible)you choose which one you want

Tower of Babel:
Tower of Babel 5 min. video
Tower of Babel Animation video
Answers magazine archived issue, April-June 2008 The Tower of Babel (click article titles for full article)
Tower of Babel cartoon

Origins: Creation Astronomy with Jason Lisle video
Origins: Our Created Moon video
Bill Nye demonstrates distance between planets
Phases of the Moon video
Phases of the Moon lesson using Oreos
Human Sundial activity
Sun/Planet lesson with activities and diagrams

In the Beginning Part 1 The story of Abraham and Isaac
In the beginning Part 2 The story of Abraham and Isaac
In the Beginning Part 3
In the Beginning Part 4

Ancient Egypt:

The Seeing Eye with Dr. Menton (Origins show)
The Hearing Ear with Dr. Menton (Origins show)
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made with Dr. Menton (Origins show) Part 1
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made with Dr. Menton (Origins shows) Part 2
Elements of Our Skin with Dr. Menton (Origins show)
Elements of our Hair with Dr. Menton (Origins show)
Breath of Life Part 1 (Lungs & Blodd) with Dr. Menton
Beath of Life Part 2 (Lungs & Blood) with Dr. Menton (Origins shows)