Friday, December 14, 2012


Geology and the Flood

Once again, I am way behind in updating my blog.  What's new?  During the months of September and October, we studied Geology.  We examined rocks and gemstones, matching them to their names and properties.  We studied the three types of rocks and even made cookies, layered bars, and fudge based on the idea of the three types of rocks.  We found these recipes easily on the internet.  Here's a picture of our cookies.  The recipe called for pineapple chunks and "smart momma" thought kids would like fruity gummy bears better.  "Smart momma" forgot that gummy bears melted which meant they oozed out EVERYWHERE!  They were fruity but not so tastey.

I discovered it's very hard to take pictures when I'm teaching, especially for hands-on projects.  When I first started this blog I thought how cool it would be to document EVERY project and event during our homeschooling adventure.  Wow!  I discovered its very hard.  So even though I may not write much here or show many pictures we did much, much more than I can write about.  I have found that the homeschooling links page here on this blog will contain much more of the bulk.  Don't forget to check out that page!
Oh, and how could I forget our study on volcanoes during this time.  Check out our volcano we made.  Then we used Mentos and Diet Coke for the eruption.  It was cool!

Our "cage" for the frame

Preparing the paper mache and added balls of newspaper to the frame


The finished volcano!