Sunday, July 8, 2012

My little place in cyber world

Welcome to Far Blessed! This blog will be a modge podge of all my passions.  Those passions include homeschooling, adoption advocacy, God, family, animals, and my job.  Who else can say work is a passion!?!

Here's a quick bio in a nutshell:  I am a stay at home mother of 3 children ranging in age from 2 to 12.  We homeschool.  One of the children was adopted from China.  We go to a wonderful church.  Family is my top priority after my relationship with Jesus, of course.  I love God's creatures (except snakes.  Can we say PHOBIA?).  I am a business owner and it's a fun job (and one that can be done at my convenience.)  So that pretty much sums up me and what this blog will be about.  I hope to have pages and posts about each of these areas in my life so there's a little bit of everything for everyone.

So why is it called Far Blessed?  Well, originally it was going to be just about our homeschooling adventure using the curriculum called Far Above Rubies (girl's version) and Blessed Is The Man (boy's version) but then I realized that I have so many other areas of my life that I would love to share.  Ultimately, I realized that I am FAR BLESSED.  I have been blessed beyond measure.

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