Thursday, September 5, 2013

New name, new look for the new school year

Originally this blog was completely dedicated to our homeschooling journey using a particular curriculum.  We still use this curriculum and love it, but I want to expand this blog to more than just homeschooling. Our family passions stretch much further than homeschooling so we are now opening up this blog to everything that we are blessed with and hope to share this information with you.  One day we might post a quick, cheap family dinner recipe.  One day we might post a recipe for a homemade cleaner.  One day we might just blog about our dreams of owning chickens and goats.  One day we might write about far away places we hope to explore.  One day we might blog about our favorite Bible verses.  One day we might blog about our homeschool field trips and science projects.  This blog will offer a little bit for everyone, from all age groups.  We hope you will be blessed along the way.

We are now.....Blessed to Infinity and Beyond!

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